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Miscellaneous Information:

Dr. Stefan Jakob Wimmer is a German Orientalist, author and editor in the fields of religious history and interreligious dialogue. He studied at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he received his PhD in Egyptology (1994), and is now associate professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich (Bavaria). He is also curator for Hebrew and the Ancient Near East at the Oriental Department of the Bavarian State Library. Together with the Catholic Old Testament scholar Manfred Görg (1938-2012) he founded the Friends of Abraham Society for research on the history of religions and interreligious dialogue in 2001, which he has been presiding since 2013. He is a member of the Munich Council of Religions, is active in the Munich Lehrhaus of Religions, an initiative by Rabbi Steven Langnas for adult education, and has for many years been supporting the Munich Centre for Islam, an initiative by Imam Dr. Benjamin Idriz. Among his numerous publications is a work on Islam in Bosnia, co-edited with Benjamin Idriz and Stephan Leimgruber: “Islam mit europäischem Gesicht. Perspektiven und Impulse“ (2010); a comparison of Quran and Bible, with Stephan Leimgruber: “Von Adam bis Muhammad. Bibel und Koran im Vergleich” (2005), a study on women related to the prophets in the Quran: “Abu Safíja, Maria woher hast du das? Frauengestalten im Koran” (2008), and a history of oriental and Islamic interconnections in the history of Munich: “München und der Orient” (2012).