Leonard Swidler
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Dr. Leonard Swidler Professor of Catholic Thought & Interreligious Dialogue at Temple University since 1966, Founder/Editor with Arlene Anderson Swidler in 1964 of the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Founder/Director of the Dialogue Institute 1978; holds degrees in History, Philosophy, and Theology from St. Norbert College (BA),
Marquette University (MA), University of Wisconsin (Ph.D.) and Tübingen University, Germany (S.T.L.); was Visiting Professor at Universities of Graz, Hamburg, Tübingen, Nankai University (Tianjin, China), Fudan University (Shanghai), Temple University Japan (Tokyo), University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur), Chinese University of China (Hong Kong), and Khazar University (Baku, Azerbaijan).
He has published more than 200 articles and 75 books, including: The Study of Religion in the Age of Global Dialogue (2000), A Global Ethic (2007), Trialogue. Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Dialogue (2007), Club Modernity. For Reluctant Christians (2011), Dialogue for Interreligious Understanding (2014), The Age of Global
Dialogue (2016), Religion for Reluctant Believers (2017)...