The author investigates from the perspective of a Western European country, in his case Germany, if and how religion(s) can be appreciated in a secular society. With historic reviews he demonstrates that we should revise our accustomed perceptions; how (in the “West”) Islam is perceived, how religions are perceived from outside, but also how the religious sometimes misrepresent the non-religious.
Instead, he advocates to adjust our categories of “us” and “the others”, and join forces with those who are committed to living together against those who campaign and agitate against it, notwithstanding who believes in what. His considerations are shaped by the situation in Germany, but they lead to conclusions of universal value.
Key words: perspectivity of perception, Germany, Jerusalem, Christianity, Islam, secular society, secular state, irreligiousness, religious history, misuse of religion, nationalism, Enlightenment, 1968, Pope Francis.