Volume 4, No 1; Year IV; Spring MMXXIII

Dear readers,

This is the seventh issue (Volume 4, No. 1, Spring 2023) of our and your magazine Illuminatio/Svjetionik/Almanar. In this issue, you have the privilege of continuously getting to know more deeply and broadly the terms ars - techne - craft - fann - qadar/ṣināʿat in “art”, terms that academician Mehmed Akšamija brings closer to our understanding, all with the aim of adequately recognizing the important difference between the pre-projected westernized artistic "reality" and the constantly creative Islamic artistic qadar/ṣināʿat genius, originality and distinctiveness in the image and work of the homo islamicus.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v4i1.59 UDK: 28:[7.01:111.852]
Original scientific paper

The aim of this essay is to discuss the particular issue of a possible theoretical relationship between the modality of qadar/ṣināʿat discourse and other “forms of art”, expanding the previous discussions of what is declared as or named “Islamic art” within Occidnetal-westernized theoretical views, as opposed to what such terms can entail within Islamic civilizational circle, or imply within professional-academic qualification.▼1 More precisely, we would like to present the experience of homo islamicus which is characterized by a symbolic presence of God, by beneficence and mercy, and manifested by means of many aestheticized forms of activity/ṣināʿat, of wisdom present in personified organized actions, colours, sizes and proportions of both geometric figures and human figures and objects.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v4i1.57 UDK: 28:929 Maturidi A. 28-42
Original scientific paper

There is a consensus today among Muslim scholars: the Muslim global nation (Ummah) is in a big crisis. This crisis is similar to the two greatest crises in Muslim history: the crisis of the fall of the Abbasid caliphate in the 13th century and the crisis of the abolition of the Ottoman caliphate in the 20th century. The current crisis has different external and internal causes. The challenge for nations as well as individuals in crisis, is to discover which parts of their identities are working well and should not be changed, and which parts are no longer working and should be changed. Today, the Muslim Ummah, individually and collectively, needs the wisdom and courage to recognize what must be changed in order to cope with the new situation. But, at the same time, we must draw a line and emphasize the elements, which are fundamental to our religious, cultural and civilizational identities, which cannot be changed.  

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v4i1.61 UDK: Al-Bašir Lisjud: 130.3

The phenomenon of human development seems to them the central question of philosophical and religious thought with the aim of overcoming the state of moral degradation in which man himself has found himself. In this context, Gnostic thought represented one of the more innovative ways of reading through which its promoters offered an educational alternative to delivering man from a situation of moral failure and a state of conflict of civilizations between nations.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v4i1.58 UDK: 821.111.09:28 28:34.231.14
Original scientific paper

The Rushdie affair in the context of the discussion about Islam and the idea of universal human rights

The contemporary debate about Islam and universal human rights is the subject of both academic and public circles.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v4i1.56 UDK: 228-175
Review article

This essay points to one of the fundamental dangers to planet Earth, which stems from the essential difference between the potential once available to humanity and what it disposes of now. The author points out that from the creation of the first man to the recent past, humanity, with everything it had at its disposal, could not destroy itself, it could not grow into an immediate threat to itself and did not have the capacity to question its survival.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v4i1.55 UDK: 929 Ðozo H.
Original scientific paper

As the most outstanding Islamic intellectual of the socialist period of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Husein Đozo made an immeasurable contribution to the development and affirmation of the national identity of Bosniaks.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v4i1.60

Bias In Popular Culture
Book review: Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Istanbul: MAHYA Yayıncılık, 2023, 351 pp., ISBN: 978-605-72206-2-2.