Volume 5, No 1; Year V; Spring MMXXIV

Dear readers,

We are writing this editorial in the shadow of the historical awareness of the Holocaust in Europe - Auschwitz, we are reflecting it in the shadow of the final realization of the Nakba in Palestine - Gaza, and we are designing it in the shadow of the planetary recognition of the Genocide in Bosnia - Srebrenica. Together, these three notorious words - Holocaust, Nakba, Genocide, point to evil, which exists and therefore cannot be ignored or denied, but must be studied and understood as a "philosophy of evil".

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v5i1.74 UDK: 28:[7.01:1.111.852
Original scientific paper

The paper analyzes the relationship between Occidental-Westernized understanding of art and a possible status of art within an integrated discourse – al-thawābit al-islāmiyyah, as well as the aesthetic-metaphysical experience of the traditional Islamic systematization of knowledge – ṣināʿat al-ʿilm, and the action of making a visual form beautiful – ṣināʿat al-taṣwīr. Particular attention attention is attached to the concept of qadar/ṣināʿat, where it is possible to distinguish between homo islamicus’s ornamental activity of recognitive type and the cognitive productive-reflective representation of collaborative disposition.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v5i1.69 UDK: 28-23(091)
Professional article

The way Muslims understand the Qur'an has shaped their common interreligious perception. This article selects different Qur'anic verses that influenced Muslims in relation to people of other faiths beyond their [Islam]. The main goal of this paper is to show how even Quranic verses that might sound harsh to the ears of other believers can be read with sensitivity and understanding in the modern world.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v5i1.70 UDK: 321.01(=163.4*3)(497.6)

This article is examining seven challenges facing Bosnia as state and society. Overcoming them will determine if a way out of the current conditions is found. Although these challenges concern all the people of Bosnia, they seem to be of crucial significance for Bosnia’s Muslims.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.xxx UDK: x28-254 28-254:929
Original scientific paper

Today we do not suffer from a crisis of the mind as was the case in the past, but today we suffer from a heart crisis and its cause is the psychological disturbance that results from the feeling of distress or impotence that affects the individual. Heart suffers an acute crisis that manifests itself in its inability to inject enough love into the human mind.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v4i2.66 UDK: 929 Drury A. 28-428.5
Other uncategorized works

This article analyses the biography of Bajram Murati (1930-2013), an Albanian refugee to New Zealand, and the contentions over symbolic spaces and meaning within the New Zealand Muslim community over the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v5i1.72 UDK: 323.15(497.7)
Review article

The aim of this discussion is to partially shed light on the challenges and problems encountered by the Torbeši (Pomak) identity in the Balkans from the creation of the nation state until today. It is an ethnic identity inhabited in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece and Kosovo. They speak of the Torbeši, the Pomaks and the Gorani, as three branches of one identity, the substrate of which, according to Macedonian and Bulgarian researchers, is linked to the worship of God.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52510/sia.v5i1.73

The book The Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine by the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé, although published almost two decades ago, due to the subject matter, the terrible crimes and the complete uninterrupted months-long destruction of Gaza, has once again become a very live and current reading material.