The journal Illuminatio/Svjetionik/Almanar publishes: a) original scholarly papers that include previously unpublished research results; b) presentations from scholarly and professional meetings, on the condition that they have not been previously published in the proceedings; c) professional papers that do not necessarily include an author’s original research; d) reviews of, and articles on relevant books, studies and other publications; e) translations of articles, with comprehensive introductions and analyses.
The papers are categorized into the following basic categories: The papers are classified in the following basic categories: • original scholarly papers • presentations from scholarly and professional meetings • professional papers • reviews • articles • translations
General rules:
Authors propose the category in which they want the paper to be published, while the final decision is made by the Editorial Staff upon the completed blind peer review process. Manuscripts should be written in Bosnian language, and English translation is desirable. Text will be between 6.000 and 10.000 words in length (including footnotes) and submitted in electronic version via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the .doc format, with the font being used Times New Roman typeface, 12pt font size and 1.5-line spacing. The journal reviews received manuscripts on the assumption of an exclusive submission: by submitting a manuscript for consideration, the author(s) warrant(s) that it is not simultaneously being consideration by any other publication and that it shall not be sent to another publication until a definitive answer is received from Illuminatio/Svjetionik/Almanar journal. All texts submitted to the journal must be original works. By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) warrant(s) to the journal that it does not infringe the copyright or any other rights of third parties.
When submitting a manuscript, please attach: • title of the text, • author’s/authors’ name(s), • a brief biographical note about each author, including previous and current institutional affiliation, • a full postal and e-mail address, as well as telephone numbers of the author. If the manuscript is co-authored, then please provide the requested information about all the authors. • an abstract of 150 – 300 words, in Bosnian language, and English translation is desirable, stating precisely the topic under consideration, the method of argument used in addressing the topic, and the conclusions reached, • a list of up to ten keywords suitable for indexing and abstracting purpose, • main text • literature / references Addenda (drawings, tables, graphs, maps and images, if there are any) should be submitted as a separate file in one of the following formats: .tiff or .jpg, in a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Photographs attached to the text must be incorporated in the text with a caption, and submitted by email as addenda in the right size (optimal width 16.5 cm at 300 dpi). Authors must obtain proper consent from the owners of any copyrighted illustrations.
Format and style guidelines: While writing the article, please take into account the following format & style guidelines: The contents of the article should be divided with titles (introduction, additional titles in the body, conclusion). Format of the titles in the text: letters only, caps lock & bold.
Peer review:
Each manuscript shall be reviewed by two external peer reviewers for the field, independently of one another. They will review the unsigned paper in accordance with the journal’s basic instructions and submit their opinion to the Editorial Staff. The reviewers’ opinion is generally considered the view of Editorial Staff. Reviews are both a general assessment of the value of the paper and an evaluation of the eligibility of the paper’s topic. Reviews are of internal character. Reviews will be presented to the author (without the reviewers’ names). In case of disagreement, the final decision shall be made by the Editorial Board. Illuminatio/Svjetionik/Almanar has the right to reject any manuscript as being unsuitable in topic, style or form without requesting an external review.
Below are some guidelines for in-text citations, notes, and references, which authors may find useful when preparing manuscripts for submission. It is well known that there are several accepted systems for citing literature. Our goal is to have a common citation of accurate data and uniformity. We will exclusively use the Vancouver Uniformity System. All papers should follow the Vancouver Parity Quotation System in the text. It seems important to note that in the text: reference numbers in the superscript are listed; titles in capital letters (Times New Roman Bold 12pt); subtitle initial big remaining small letters (Times New Roman Bold 12pt); additional titles (subheading) initial large and remaining small letters, but in italics (Times New Roman Italic 12pt); he numerical citation system is used within the bibliographic notes (footnotes) at the foot of the page – in the footnote or at the end of the paper or chapter – in the endnote; page numbers are written in their entirety; citation retains all spelling peculiarities (punctuation and spelling) and possible errors; quoted text must be marked with quotation marks at the beginning and end („ “); quotation marks and single quotation marks (‘ ’), as well as bold font, can be used to highlight words, concepts or short phrases within the text; the titles of journal articles and reference works are treated with the indicated bold font in italics; when the quoted text is extensive, the omitted parts should be marked with three dots in square brackets before and after the break […]; also, any possible changes to the quoted text should be marked with square brackets; the quotation in the quotation is indicated by single quotation marks (‘…’); exceptionally, when the primary source is not available, the citation already cited by another author may be cited, in which case the full bibliographic record of the original citation as well as the publications from which the citation was taken should be indicated; when quoting a source of information already cited earlier in the paper, abbreviation is used op. cit.; abbreviation ibid. is used when multiple citations on the same page are quoted from the same source; larger parts of a quoted text are rendered in a separate paragraph, left-indented, with a space above and below the paragraph, in a smaller font size in italics (10pt). These larger sections should not be quoted. Bibliographic units should be alphabetized by the author’s surname. Arrange the works of the same author in chronological order, from earlier to newer, and additionally mark the works of one author published in the same year in small letters (e.g. 1988a, 1988b). If more than one article in the same book is cited, it should be cited as a separate unit under the name of the editor, and referenced throughout the book in individual article units. Give the author’s names in their entirety, not replace them with initials, unless the author usually uses only the initials. Book and magazine titles should be written in bold italics. The titles of journal articles or proceedings should be written in quotation marks in bold.
Book reviews:
A book review typically consists of between 800 and 1200 words. Subheadings should be reduced to a minimum while footnotes should be used as little as possible. A book review should be titled by the bibliographic information in accordance with the following rule: Author’s full name, Book title, Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication, Number of pages, ISBN. Name of the author of the review should be provided in the end of the work. The review should provide a short overview of the main aims of the work that is being reviewed, the main theses and topics it deals with and the kind of sources it uses. For an edited collection the review should sum up the main topics, and mention individual chapters only if necessary. It should describe the original contribution of the work both to the specific area of research and to science in general. If relevant, it should describe the broader context the work contributes to and assess to what extent the work has fulfilled its purpose and whether it is theoretically or methodologically reliable. Target readership for the book should also be recommended.
Translated articles should be accompanied by the translator’s comment on the relevance and significance of the article. It is desirable to provide a brief analysis of the translated text in the form of an introductory text and translator’s notes.
Preparation of the paper:
Upon acceptance, the paper, with corrections, is sent in PDF format by email to the author to check for factual errors and misprints. Authors are responsible for checking the proofread paper and are advised to use the toolbar Comment & Markup for inserting their eventual changes directly into the proofread text. Only minor changes are allowed during this stage of preparation. The publisher will send the paper in PDF format to the author for his/her personal use, free of charge. Authors are allowed to post the printed versions of their papers in PDF format on their own websites, without compensating the publisher.
Special conditions:
There are no publishing fee.