Enes Karić
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Enes Karić was born in Travnik in 1958. He completed Gazi Husrev-bey’s Madrasa, and then the Faculty of Islamic Sciences and the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo. He completed the postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of University of Sarajevo, and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philology of University of Belgrade. Since 1981 he has been employed at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, initially as a teaching assistant and then as a professor in the course Interpretation of Qur’an. In the period 1994-1996 he acted as the Minister of Education, Sciences, Culture and Sports in the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and then of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He spent some time at specializations at several universities, including Al-Azhar, Cairo University, Yale University (USA) and Oxford University (UK), and was a visiting professor at the University of Ljubljana and Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences “Alu l-Bayt” in Jordan.
Among others, he published the following works: Uvod u tefsirske znanosti, Hermeneutika Kur’ana, Politička i ideologijska tumačenja Kur’ana i islama, Kur’an u savremenom dobu I - II, Prijevod Kur’ana na bosanski. We can single out the following of his published literary works: Crni tulipan, Pjesme divljih ptica, Jevrejsko groblje, Minhenska godina, Slučajno čovjek, Boje višnje. He was awarded two literary prizes for the best novels published in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 2010 and 2013.
Many essays, books and novels by Enes Karić have been published in English, German, Arabic, Turkish, Slovenian, Albanian and Persian.