Volume 5, No 2; Year V; Autumn MMXXIV
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- Written by Mustafa Cerić
- Category: Volume 5, No 2; Year V; Autumn MMXXIV
Dear readers,
If someone had asked me four years ago (2020) whether the Magazine would live (survive) to the miracle number X, I would not have been able to give an affirmative answer.
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- Written by Mehmed A. Akšamija
- Category: Volume 5, No 2; Year V; Autumn MMXXIV
- Original scientific paper
The paper analyzes the relationship between Occidental-Westernized understanding of art and a possible status of art within an integrated discourse – al-thawābit al-islāmiyyah, as well as the aesthetic-metaphysical experience of the traditional Islamic systematization of knowledge – ṣināʿat al-ʿilm, and the action of making a visual form beautiful – ṣināʿat al-taṣwīr. Particular attention attention is attached to the concept of qadar/ṣināʿat, where it is possible to distinguish between homo islamicus’s ornamental activity of recognitive type and the cognitive productive-re ective representation of collaborative disposition.
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- Written by Mustafa Cerić
- Category: Volume 5, No 2; Year V; Autumn MMXXIV
- Original scientific paper
This paper is marking the more than one millennium since Imām Abū Manṣūr Māturīdī’s death anniversary by highlighting his pivotal role in shaping the main stream of Sunni orthodox theology. It seeks to draw attention to a signi cant revival of Māturīdism in terms of promoting a rational approach in Islamic theology while holding fast to authentic tradition.
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- Written by Florian Bieber
- Category: Volume 5, No 2; Year V; Autumn MMXXIV
- Professional article
The aim of this paper is to dive into the national and ethnic identities in the Balkans, and how the Muslim national identity was developed in contrast to the Southeastern European Christians. It also delves into the phenomenon whereby a faith (theoretically, at least) privileged religious belief over ethnicity or nationalism.
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- Written by Juan Carlos Antunez Moreno
- Category: Volume 5, No 2; Year V; Autumn MMXXIV
- Original scientific article
This paper describes the historical role of Islam as the majority religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the predominantly Christian religion in Europe. A special focus was placed on the activities of the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the recent war and peace in the struggle to preserve the Islamic tradition of Bosniaks against the foreign influence of some radical elements of "Salefism" and "Wahhabism".
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- Written by Miftahul Firdaus
- Category: Volume 5, No 2; Year V; Autumn MMXXIV
- Review article
This paper offers an alternative to Feurd’s notion of happiness and civilization expressed in an introducing to the Islamic worldview which seeks to liberate humanity from worldly tyranny, including the tyranny of mere pleasure in order to guide men towards a peaceful (Islamic) recognition of and submission to the Almighty One God.
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- Written by Ekrem Tucaković
- Category: Volume 5, No 2; Year V; Autumn MMXXIV
- Translated from French by Emir Šišić. Kaćuni: Meyli Foundation; 2024. p. 205. ISBN 978-9926-8907-1-1
Author Khaled Bentounes. Medicine for the Soul.
Throughout the known history of mankind, the human soul has constantly been the subject of thorough observation and research by various scientific disci- plines and the central subject around which many reli- gious teachings have been created or have developed their recognizable ideas about the soul and the spiri- tual aspects of human existence.